Monday, 1 August 2022

no hols barred

an Aegean ringed in flames

no hols barred


all you folks who think you know

me & hate my evil ways

do your worst to bring me down

these are the days


let’s do battle round the square

open warfare draw no draws

here’s your chance for once & all

these are the days


ammunition stocks are high

all my troops are fully trained

plus this piece of paper says

these are the days


launch when ready use surprise

any dirty move you like

this time no calling foul I cry

these are the days


meanwhile now the summer’s here

have I slogged all bloody year

to avoid Marine Parade

these are the days




empire games

battle zone

shivers bones


ancient stones

gods don’t die

hold the sky


homeys fly



upside down


marching sound


try to creep

in or sleep


on the heath

steering off

had enough


tough get stuffed



extinguish the blue touchpaper & retire


an Aegean ringed in flames

schools of whales & porpoises

turning tail translate here goes

calling us names


who would set this fuse but men

careless know-alls on the take

never-never merchants poised

stealing at this


opportunity to blow

downwrite lines of doggerel

raised in guilty voices when

everything shows


just how high the odds are staked

one of them to all of us

every breath they take a bite

snatched from the truth


still the seas will rise again

wash away these lies till then

on your bikes & take the heat

with when you’re done




Letsbe Avenue


teenage sox appeal

soap for boys & girls

Jimmy Saville types

Maxwell House


make yourself at home

innocence reframed

modern cons retrained

fool a queen


talking Lady Jane

Grey the fallgirl be

on the bus by first

light no sweat


cooking filthy socks

pocket money fixed

fantasies in tact

high men lords


princes finance king

pins the bloody lot

where’s the harm it’s just





Britannia rules


when in Little Venice don’t

play the gondolier barge

poles at twenty paces knives

out on the weir


life may be an opera

comic tragic take your pick

long as no one dies before

that lady sings


Ruritanians beware

England's music calls for chairs

comfy inquisitions like

Spaniards expect


but the overture pipes on

some appear to sit & read

others chewing legs of safe

seats in the red


while the musical drags on

with its tortuous refrain

grinding monkeys understand

plain as the rain




hands on gov



asses would

sit this one


live & let

be they'd shout

mooching's not


but with gay

room for doubt

pinch yourself


have a drink

Dude relax

trouble is


number ten

rears its glass






hold your fire


so the sold-out pantomime is wound

up its stars gone off to other roles

some to act in tragedies or sit

coms on TV


wotcha think I'll be a trouser snake

half of Cumberland The Severed Hand

Jimmy Saville in a foreign land

even myself


don’t I got it in me Jesus' blood

never failed & all that copy-book

puppetry's me sock in trade you can’t

shuffle your spots


got no turn of heel who says I need

help I'm only half the man I should

be my better stuff is yet to come

yep could be right


open to new partnerships I am

always was a player on the team

give & take philosophy's me game

stick to the plan




forgiven nearly all


at the siege of Downing Street

for the Guttersberg address

rank reporters flashing phones

officers' mess


Hovis Bunsen took the stand

sweating like Henry the horse

winning their attention but

quite at a loss


struck by the occasion not

moved to swear a churlish curse

through the thunder storm he was

counting his purse


when they reads me book he thought

they’ll remember I St George

pulled more dragons by the hair

mastered the forge


plus I'll live to fight again

England's first postmodern lord

since the Union's doomed why not

give them my word




cloak of truth


are you deaf

can’t it wait

must I speak



don’t you know

what went down

plain as day



who'd believe

half of it

truth be told



on my life

swear to god




far beyond

proof of fake

broken news





who the Dickens is Kelvin Bilal Fawaz


kidnapped just like Mo

Farrah but would smoke

dope & steal from shops

Oliver Twist


trafficked from abroad

did unspeakable

things at nine years old

Oliver Twist


barely rescued was 

put in care then farmed

out & taught to read

Oliver Twist


keeping true to poor

character he boxed

under pseudonyms

Oliver Twist


never had a pass

port to call his own

in his way the real

Oliver Twist

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right on yer Nellie!