Sunday, 1 March 2020

songs without birds

when are we going to Moscow
Uncle Samya can you say
if you sell your new revolver
we can take the train today


if some galaxies seem unfamiliar
others are the epitome of queer
recently a hole fifteen times its size
brought the Milky way down a peg or two
relatively for it was long ago
but the msg took its time to arrive

much can happen in just a billion years
hardly more than something else takes to blink
are there other universes out there
say beings beyond our reality

perching here on our tiny spiral arm
we Earthlings gaze up at stars in alarm
not as if the cosmos would do us harm
like the folks who go to work packing arms

shirtholders' meeting

invites only to the Davos game
sit-down stakes a cut in ages as
climate change Cassandra takes the stage
striking for fame

donkeys do the robot work till men
face extinction now who'll speak for them
Angry Thornbird plugging Virgin Trains
play it again

what the heck we're doing in a world
three score years & ten before the mast
owners get second helpings when they
step to the plate

nature with its glaciers on thaw
there in Switzerland the cuckoo clock
warns adulterers to flee a nest
foretold is all

stick yr ill-got where the finger points
frostbite not withstanding learn to cheap
skate if bored of snowboarding annoint
No-brainer king

penguin brief

line between greaseball & rape ain't too
fine how many shades of charcoal d’you
get that lipstick on his cheek or shame

just forget it Zimmer man don't break
shtum from snorting steed to shaken weed
characteristically he looks

daft you gotta be kidding go laugh
all the way to Hollywood & back
home where folks say he's a jolly good

fellow hurrah & #HimToo no schmuck
peddled far worse than the Juke of Pork
upskirt gaze all the way to the top

heads will roll the tail’s between his legs
no one’s guilty everyone’s to blame
suck yr lollipop the jury's game

Hunters with Pacino trailer

Palestinians grow up in vast
concentration camps but Jesus wept
precious few annihilated yet

metaphors are out you can’t compare
millions shuttled in on cattle trucks
greased of their chattels then stripped & gassed

better treatment’s meted out to lambs
ants are crushed with more compassion mad
dogs get rounded up by kinder hands

these days viruses are snoozed with smart
drugs & one day soon unsocial thoughts
clocked on apps will face the Judgment Bots

meanwhile Amazon’s Original
scuppers Holocaust revenge denial
Palestinians don’t touch that dial

more dark matter

scientists have blown another black
hole in space the place is full of them
looks as if we’ll have to think again
where will it end

some folks say in God & thereby have
life’s existence helpfully explained
handed back responsibility
acolytes spend

far less time deciding how & why
than debating which way best to serve
trusting data read on their behalf
by an elite

science doesn’t do away with faith
rather the reverse but every time
new discoveries are made we must
spike them with salt

smaller holes than this have boggled minds
bigger heads than mine mistaken size
filling blanks between our ears requires
using our eyes

hands up