Baltimore Connections - a Pamphlet
sides having expressed mutual condolences for recent disasters, we segue into The Great Bear pointing to Uncle Sam with a smirk, “Behold the crumbling fortunes of a Rogue
state.” Allies to the South and East prick their ears & tune in while The
Bear continues, scratching at a scar, “Far from leading the so-called free
world, Amerikar is now tumbling down the rabbit-hole of her own lies and
self-deceptions.” Like most inveterate mendicants, falling into the error of
believing the fibs they have told, Amerikar once again dallies at the brink of Precipice.
Not eight years have passed since they elected a Slimy Greaseball formerly
known as The Don, and now they stand on the very cusp of repeating that Supreme Error.
yet, let us not view Baltimore through Slavic eyes, but rather with London’s
long-suffering insight. The poor City, in the form of Lloyd’s, is set to fork out
some three billions Sterling, as the loses of life and infrastructure are adjusted
and settled, putting no small Dent in the Profits of the world’s largest Maritime
insurance house. Is the time not nigh, after more than two centuries’ mounting
impatience, to cry halt to these Proceedings? These Yankee Rogues – aka Rebs – have strained at the long leash long enough.
Let go, away with them! England shall have their full Brexit now, rejecting
this Wishy-Washy half-way house.
featured in Madison’s War (the War of 1812). Google the Eponymous battle for proof
of Amerikar’s Mendacity, and Madison’s cowardice. Indeed, so brazen are they,
it only behoves one to read between the lines & glean yr Actual Truth. The Canadian Mace was held for over a century - just down the coast at Annapolis!
could neither condone nor defend the British Empire or its Colonial Warts & all, and one will say, by the standards of the day with Hypocrisy e’er the refuge of the
Cad, that the 1812 invasion of Canada should live – as does the bombing of Pearl
Harbour, in the Urinals of Infamy. The Brits - in their Titanic struggles with Napoleon
Bonaparte - Amerikar’s boom chum in Revolutionary Tyranny - were hard pressed
to come precipitately to the aid of their Canadian subjects, many of whom French
speakers, yet who, for the most part Conspicuously, chose not to embrace the
invaders as Liberators and prospective Fellow Citizens. It wasn’t until the Corsican - self-styled - Emperor of the French was temporarily bilked from Power into exile
on the isle of Elba, that the Brits were in a position to deal with Americkarn incursions
onto Canadian soil. Toronto (then styled York), having twice been sacked in
1813, when huge quantities of booty were lifted and the Legislative Assembly
building burnt to the ground, it was decided that Punitive Acts of Retribution were
Required. Thus a force of Veterans from the Peninsula War were assembled at the
Bahamas prior to sailing for the US coast and disembarkation at various points stateside.
First, in revenge for the burning of the Canadian Parliament, President James ("Let's grab Canada for the Union") Madison
was chased from Washington; whereupon, after his Evening Meal had been dispatched
by a Contingent of British Officers, the presidential mansion (formerly George Washington’s
home, and later to be known as The White House) was torched. Thereafter, private
and federal storage buildings along the East Coast of Chesapeake Bay were
emptied & the goods impounded in Reparation for losses the civilian
merchants had sustained at York & elsewhere. Finally a bold attempt was
made to overrun and burn the very port of Baltimore, but there the Revengers
faced a spirited defence and so retired, the Honours being mostly theirs. Yr Actual Truth - seen by the light of these stars - was a successful punitive raid, not some attempted invasion or landgrab. Also, as a fledgling Rogue State, Amerikar learned its lesson. Time to remember it, eh?
Of footnotes, it
is interesting to note the Citizens of Baltimore had rioted in opposition to Madison’s Declaration Of War on the owl Mother Rogue. Though the
town was principal base for many of the Privateers that would harass British
merchant shipping in the Caribbean and off the Nova Scotian coast, an outrage which
would have provided poor London itself with the excuse to Declare War on its former
colonies had it not been engaged in more pertinent conflict elsewhere; nevertheless,
the folk of Baltimore had little to gain from war with Great Britain - and much
to lose - as trade with Liverpool and Bristol was the basis of their
Prosperity. Also of note is that the words of the Star Spangled Banner (later
to become the National Anthem of the USA) were composed to celebrate the
successful defence of that town. A gigantic Stars & Stripes had remained in
place throughout the place’s shelling and rocket attacks by the Royal Navy. Incidentally,
it is indicative of the Internecine nature of the Wars between these two Rogue States
that the music to which Francis Scott Key’s lyrics were sung was composed by an
Englishman, John Stafford Smith - having been the Club Song of The Anacreon (a
forerunner of London’s Garrick Club for Gentlemen). And so to the Abolition of the Slave Trade and the pursuit of slavers by His Royal Majesty's navy...
and the Slave Trade, then even hotter potatoes than Human Trafficking and the
Sorry Plight of Refugees today, formed the background (or Leitmotif) of early
Nineteenth century World Politics. But leaping forward to the Present day, is
not the death of six Latino Boys From the Blackstuff on the Francis Scott Key
bridge Indicative of the economic State of Affairs? Just as the Economies of
Europe and the United States at the turn of the eighteenth century were bound up
in the misery of Black African slavery, so is their present day reliance on
cheap, often illegally hired Labour from failing states in the Global South.
as the Great Bear will attest, is the Greatest Rogue State in History. Hypocrisy
is written into their Constitution. They were founded by a group of scoundrels
determined to avoid paying their dues on the French Indian War, and who then Smiled upon
those to whom a Frown was Appropriate. To this day their school books make fun
of the hero General Braddock, while jealously guarding the sword which he
presented to Colonel Washington. Let it, like the Mace of the York Parliament,
be returned to its rightful owners. And let the rebuilt Francis Scott Key
bridge be renamed Convenience O’er Truth.
No, not then, nor ever! |