shall see in 2020...”
Reports from The Ox-Fools
Tinned Sardines at Tiffin
the UK out into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where it could be
left to sink into the Central Canyon, would be expensive, cruel and
unsustainable - but not outside the bounds of feasibility. A German
plan to do just this was under serious consideration during the
Battle of Britain, though the use of yellow submarines would not have
been cricket.
of the Self-peeling
two decades from the turn of the millennium, downing milk of
water-buffalo to the strains of Radio Fork, we stumble across
this saga of genetic manipulation in downtown Turnaround Town.
Orthodox science tells us
bananas were never meant to self-peel. But the boffins who
created this embarrassment were faceless ciphers,
white-coated scone-heads dedicated to
blurring the edges of technology. The question who on the
planet needed bananas that could peel themselves went simply unasked.
Blinkered by biology, they blundered into the
work, never pondering why such flagrant autonomy should favour the
semi-tropical fruit.
typical banana of the Last Century would scarcely have dreamt of
going naked into the negotiating chamber. But
as they neared maturity, the first unsuspecting fruit were
sold down the river into laboratories innocuously disguised as
ripening sheds. Others were loaded onto eponymous banana boats. There
they were subjected to degrading experiments, soaked in hormone rich
baths, sprayed with libidinous chemicals, or even suspended in
vapour-filled chambers to absorb the involuntary reflexives. A young,
tender banana would then be laid voluptuously upon a ceramic or metal
plate and left to expose itself.
effective methods of impregnation were successfully duplicated, small
consignments of self-peeling 'nanas were released onto unsuspecting
markets. The results were unequivocal. Ripe hands began exposing
themselves in public and private venues throughout the target areas.
In malls, shocked customers watched in helpless outrage as lithe
young bananas eased themselves out of their skins to lie
provocatively on counters. In homes, bowls of fruit assortment became
the scene of lewd encounters as apples, quince and even greengages
blushed in response to the spontaneous stripping of their elongated
yellow colleagues. Schools and works canteens were not spared the
shame brought on by batches of nude provocateurs.
many naked bananas were immediately consumed by shameless primates;
others languished for a short time, browning off where they lay,
glistening in the atmosphere and giving out a digestive stink. The
temptation to gobble up these languid examples proved too much for
even the most staid and hesitant feeders. Few indeed of the skinless
bodies were allowed to turn black, even on hot and sultry days. And
though payment was occasionally deferred, the guilty pleasures of
most went hand-in-hand with token exchanges. Indeed, the way these
treated bananas offered themselves up appeared to excite increased
interest in the Musa genus; soon enough the entire first crop had
disappeared, only the limp skins remaining where they had so
flagrantly been discarded.
established first principles, the mad boffins turned their attention
to the timing of a banana's strip. What should be the trigger? A
variety of stimuli was applied: music and other audio signals, human
proximity: odours such as sweat, perfume or after-shave; time of day,
weather conditions, casting of suggestive shadows. Finally, the
application of artificial intelligence was deployed, any given banana
assessing the local conditions for itself to decide when, where and
how to perform the act of lewd exposure.
bananas went on general release before an unsuspecting public with
earth-shattering results. Traffic on a busy street in downtown
Turnaround Town came to a halt when a truck shed its load of
self-peelers. Crowds formed outside greengrocer shop windows. Matrons
shrieked on wards. Schoolkids fretted over lunchboxes.
Volvos skedaddled and collided
with horse-drawn carts. Lone picnickers ran from park benches.
Questions were asked in both Houses and the Prime Minister was
summoned to The Embassy.
cooking bananas were not immune to the infection. Hard-boiled
plantains, normally the butch and recalcitrant bedfellows of okra and
sweet potatoes, proudly emerged from their thick green jackets to
protrude from baskets of multi-coloured peppers, eggplants and
tomatoes. The revolution was beginning to spread. Somehow, coconuts
learned to eject their own milk. Peas turned self-shooters. Carrots,
mandrake-like, leapt from the ground. Figs and strawberries swapped
underwear. Ears of wheat, barley and rye threshed each other to the
buzz of hayfever attacks. Thousands of pumpkins grinned in the
fields, the twinkle of their candle-lit eyes shimmering in the cool
evening breeze of Autumn.
was drawing on. With the infection fully out, the question had to be
asked: what new Great Beast was about to be born?
farce that sank a thousand ships
described as a musical without music, it's the show that has twice
defied the critics to run and run like an open wound on the face of
Boredway. It stars no one but himself, has them creasing in the
aisles, snorting in the lavs and blocking the spittoons with false
teeth & gum. Sawdust sprinkles from ceilings as rodents and
woodworm roar on cue. Beamed live into homes & dugouts throughout
the country, especially loved by the intellectually, emotionally and
psychologically challenged: Cheeseboat - the triumph of crass over
craft, of submarine over pondskater, the first brand of soap powder
to challenge Oxymoron. Public fountains beware!
Fountain Arrests
snivelling little morons! Call yourselves hooligans? Can't you think
of anything better to vandalise than a harmless urban water feature?
Take them down and set them to work gumming up cracks in the
pavements. Next case!
now, Down Your... Pan
by gum, let's hoof it to the foot of our
stairs, life's a rum & cloves affair,
there's nowt so queer as folklore, and that bloody
far as rabbits go, I've got little to say bar
this: wouldn't chase one with a shotgun, and neither of our
dogs could catch a wet stick let alone a furry animal. So when it
comes to Alice tumbling into Wonderland, I'm with her in spirit only.
Tumbling into bed at night is about all I can manage, and if I ever
have trouble sleeping it's not sheep I'm counting, fingers drumming
on the mattress, rain dripping from the chicken-house roof. What a
July it's been! So, what does August augur?
No Say Cheese!