Sunday, 2 July 2023

cut to the cheese


money squawks


just titanic when

5 adventurers

grab the headlines from

5 refugees


quite ironic too

how the depth of high

life engulfs the rich

trumps to the poor


the iconic few

versus did I say

5 yes all aboard

kids going down


gin & tonics or

sips from plastic cups

famous lasts at least

crushing is quick


aye the tragic 5

beats another 5

hundred give or take

these are the breaks



goodbye Mr Chits


folks bewail it but democracy

soldiers on when unfit rulers die

Caesar by others’ hands Atatürk

drank himself dry


Hovis too has sacks of enemies

populism’s Comeback Kid they ain’t

yet but time is on their side they might

still become Saint


Gee a force for sumpin least the bad

hair brigade’ve scored a champion now

maybe cross the pond they’ll find a new

home for their show


they and Princess Whatstheirface the new

Stan & Oily garths or queens of dragged

through a privet backwards screaming blue

murder type lags


social democrats beware them white

minstrels got some clever tricks no black

balls can spoil their ballots bounders just

don’t give a frack



Hovis ain’t brown bread


bold Odysseus lost all those men

woe betide such fools as took his side

drowned or gobbled up by Cyclops trans

formed into swine


nothing’s down for them besides their parts

acted out in poësy portrayed

on mosaics or as extras paid

off by the day


never stick your hands up boys & girls

sleep with Ithaca’s elite in fields

not the palace Troy was sacked with more

mercy he yields


only when the gods have raised their brows

will Athena save you nay your match

staged for necrophiliacs who crunch

nuts as they watch


bold Odysseus to give the man

half his due the individual

has their place in this imperfect world

leave him a goal



how now POW wow


when their time had come

summonsed to enlist

wore the uniform

didn’t resist


never volunteered

shunned that kind of twist

drowned their qualms in beer

should they exist


taken prisoner

shackled hand o’er fist

shall we treat em fair

smiley or pissed


share like hearth & home

with the antichrist

Wagner’s on the phone

gonna insist


this Amerikar

bring on spouse & kids

Liberty like yah

free to the heist



Swindler’s Lift


It would be the heist of the twentieth century, a long game lasting twelve years before the perpetrators were hunted down, liquidated, ticked off or lost to the chaos of war. Pifflesquate remarked, in the crass squalor of their glee,

The opportunity to play this character’s too great to miss, a once in a lifetime opp. Where’s me cozzie?



hard act to follow


Hovis was a fibber Blair

too told blatant lies but kills

count for more so what’s the score

thousands to nil


getting Brexit done or half

baked more like when Covid struck

Pan’s pandemic came unstuck

hardly a laugh


thousands died but not because

Hovis caught a chill they sneezed

yes with others copped a dose

dropped to their knees


aye they partied folks would whine

shame on them the hypocrite

lost their job & paid a fine

easily but


Putin only has to quote

Tony on Saddam Husein

for the cheek to score the most

points on Ukraine



the intelligence of stones


time has passed the test it set itself

up as umpire once the human mind

let it loose across the universe

therefore a blind

algorithm cutting paths through space

bouncing like a 3D pinball up

down & round the hidden bends of black

holes to be cup

winner there’s the treble in the bag

only trouble left us far behind

fiddling with the mother ship’s controls

those & the wind

solar wind that is you get my drift

mastering the galaxy we tripped

half its fuses now to put things straight

all hands on deck

gotta shed some ballast throw them stones

overboard ignore their screams they feel

nothing just display the rules of rhyme

rhythm & doubt





toe the line of duty Babe

pay yourself a compliment

step aside & make believe

future’s for rent


all the rides you ever rode

put them out to grass you said

running races on the side

fever’s gone dead


cryogenically freeze

sickness till one break of day

presto hey the cure is here

time to awake


sell yourself a dozen years

more not less & this is how

pledge your house then take the plunge

mortgage the now


sign your name draw up some plans

think of all the friends you’ll make

plus the memories no fake

safe in our hands



sex on The City


more indecent gross

markets opened last

year than in the whole

decade before


paid illicit sex

crime experienced

soaring growth despite

falling returns


boys accepted less

men demanded more

this while kiddie porn

bucked its decline


now investors hope

females will reverse

years of negative

growth to relaunch


strictly pervert life

styles protection free

trading on police

silence no tax

and no smell