Wednesday, 1 June 2022

currant affairs


Dennis Waterman, actor, 1948-2022

RIP the Waterman


Dennis you weren’t bad

entertained the troops

now you’ve gone we're sad

punters too


as a semi-crook

or detective grouch

singer out of rock-

blues no slouch


latterly in old

trickster mode revived

cockney cop in mould

breaking style


could have strut the ring

stead of trod the boards

quick to take a swing

cuffing broads


though has no excuse

still to speak of crime

if you’ve told the truth

done your time





like punk rock

bad puns can't

be explained


how they work

snarking at




nuts you dig

no I told


so beware

British jokes

self destruct


logic rhyme

reason with

single hand






currant affairs


here’s your headline Son

singing Scarlet Town the maid

scoffs at everyone


no use being strong

she'd as soon you left so long

someone's right is wrong


let her cry those tears

shan't become her less when years

later no one cares


be yourself above

all but not too proud to love

everyone below


as the singer said

devil take the future when

time is everything



go Johnny go


actors shouldn’t hide

lose their crazy bastard lives

get control be wise


find another role

heroes have to quit the hole

call it rock'n'roll


Floyd put up The Wall

punk was young it had the ball

waning stars recall


sex & drugs divorce

chocolate factories & worse

students driving cars


many precedents

walk away the cookie says

play the gentle man



Elvis at Azovstal


Elvis hasn’t left the steel

plant induction furnaces

rolling mills annealing lines

rocks them all night


echoes through the works canteen

pounding down assembly halls

uproar at the nursery

clatter on wards


like a city ups its arms

when their football heroes score

or a population groans

hearing the news


Elvis dwells on steroids can’t

stop those lips or hippy shakes

forging sounds he croons with pride

Heartbreak Hotel


sure it’s lonely now the old

folks & kids have left no pain

killers when the hooters call

time he's on stage 

No crumbs!