Wednesday, 1 May 2024

formal hysterics

courtesy New York State Faculty of Corrections

truth & justice take the plunge 

he will always thrive on washer-up

duty though the courts may confiscate

every hour of freedom watch his pride

scraping the slops


seasoned cons will never work him out

druggies mobsters child molesters owl

lady Joes & lesser-spotted grift

birds of the cage


how he gets that kitchen duty licked

not for him the cop-out laundry job

no librarian or sweep nor X



triumphs at the sink shall make his days

pardon him for whistling while he toils

seldom has his like been seen or heard

wielding the sponge


one more time give him the biggest hand

what a character to take his place

there with all the greats he waves & steps

up to the plates

OUT NOW on Kindle... click on chapbook cover to view page on Amazon:

chapbook cover

Excerpted from "formal hysterics"...

cut of their tales 

topguns ride


horses they’re



flatten schools





risk their lives

chasing six

million blind



kitchen knives

out they run

rolling like



then it’s roar

back feet up

calling kids


No Intelligence Whatsoever!