Tuesday, 1 October 2024

dismal stories

with apps. to Js. Gillray

…work in progress…


Around twice a year I put out a chapbook of verses, often on topical themes. The next one is due out before Christmas. Called “dismal stories”, here are a few examples of how it’s going…



MAD girl


someone fix my toy pram bomb

please it’s scuffed wobbles & one

wheel’s begun to squeak I mean

what if I scream


how much HMX was put

up my dolly’s bum you brute

see her swollen cheeks are red

soon she’ll be dead


yes I know revenge is sweet

look at the state of our street

I’d prefer a new arm though

when do we go


Ahmet Teacher seemed so glum

told the truth was martyrdom

did he have to use that word

what does he care


paradise will be so nice

peaceful there the only price

we shall miss my brother’s birth

day goodbye Earth



odds are even


epicentre crush

forces build below

only so much time

walls gonna blow


calculated risks

what insurance tax

free no MoT

car bomb attacks


earthquakes hurricanes

rivers burst their banks

meteorites explode

rolling of tanks


swordsmen run amock

schools get low on blood

loved celebrities

led out in hoods


guess it’s Murphys Law

rich or poor no dice

loaded gun the catch

checking it twice



birds café


waitressing’s a lark but hard

work as watchers we should know

how they keep their cool I dare

say it’s an art


earning tips & spurning looks

cheeky buggers throw their way

no the gorgeous dish you see

ain’t à la carte


seasonal of course the job

pays but cash in hand one digs

teaches them deportment pride

seconds no dice


with misunderstandings like

Tit-Head takes offence & hits

out not on they have to take

steps it’s decide


how the greater good is served

learn karate that’s a fair

chop but this young woman gives

twitchers The Stare





finding new

ways to maim

kill outrage



dropping old

ways to talk




sending young

people home

eye for eye



choosing no


seconds out



ending this

message now

big mistake


Wot No Progress?